Starting with Impact

A coaching client approached me for support before she started a new senior in-house role. She wanted to explore how she can make a great first impression through what she delivered in her first 90 days. I immediately switched the dial. Delivery is important but it’s not the job. We make the greatest impact in a new role not by what we do. The greatest impact is made in how we behave.

Here's the skinny on what to focus on in the initial days and weeks in a new role:

1.      Know Your Customer

Get to know your key stakeholders and what they need. Meet with them all – on their territory – and ask open, searching questions to understand their challenges, pain points and how they measure success. There is no such thing as a stupid question in the first 30 days so ask away! Reflect on each discussion and make notes of your observations and ideas on what shows up. This is the start of you formulating your strategy for change.

2.      Know Your Business

Do a deep dive into available business data to understand the What, Where and How of the organisation. Go broad from financial statements to organisational wide governance documents to HR manuals. You want to gather a big picture view on main revenue streams, decision-makers and culture. Also go narrow, departmental policies, procedures and processes as you want an early indication of potential problem areas.

3.      Know Your Team

Get curious about your personnel and team dynamics. Prepare key questions for team members to gather a sense of challenges, problems and areas for growth and development. Meet with everyone individually and in group settings. Find out their roles and responsibilities. If you are a team leader, ask HR for job descriptions and historical performance reviews so you have fact-based context. Collate ideas on structure, involvement, opportunities. This is a key content source for your strategy for change.

4.      Know Your Goals

Generate a 30-60-90 day plan. Communicate each stage to your line manager and report on achievements as you proceed. Communicate also with your team members to secure trust and buy-in on your approach. Aim to deliver your strategy for change by the end of your initial 90 days, balancing easy wins with more longer-term projects. Remember to articulate the Why before you communicate the What and When.

We are hired or promoted into new roles based on our potential to learn and grow. We cannot achieve without being open to idea generation, experimentation and feedback. So embrace the journey of change and watch success flow.

If you want to have greater impact on the people and businesses you serve, reach out to engage in C-Success Coaching at


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