Part 3: Conscious steps every leader can take
Legal businesses are facing unprecedented demands that mean staying the same is going backwards. Our businesses are transforming from technology consumers to technology providers. Client service is being replaced with client experience and partnership. And the new generation of employee demands autonomy, flexibility and greater purpose in what they do. In this article, I discuss what practical steps you can take to meet the changing needs of leadership in these challenging times.
“When you become comfortable with uncertainty,
infinite possibilities open up in your life.”
Ekhart Tolle, A New Earth
It’s above challenging right now to be a leader in the legal sector. There is no manual that tells you how you should behave to ensure you continue to have meaningful impact. What we need is an action plan for what steps we can practically take to ensure we lead otherselves and others into delivering highest potential and feeling fulfilled whilst we do so. In this article, I encourage everyone to take steps to be a more conscious leader by embracing behaviours that honour the journey of learning and growth.
If you are feeling stuck, trapped or, worse still, retreating into the safety of your fixed traits, step into conscious leadership. These are the behaviours to focus on whilst on the journey to being a more conscious leader:
Immerse yourself in the right mindset
We often focus our attentions on outward factors like what people might think or say, what reaction we may attract, what choices others make. Factors that we simply cannot control. A conscious leader focuses purely on what s/he can control; one’s own behaviour. A person makes 35,000 choices a day. That’s 35,000 opportunities to select what you think, what you say and how you make others feel.
Uncover your limiting assumptions
Fill a glass of water and observe it. Where are your eyes drawn; to the part that is half full or half empty? Is that a constant for you or are you just prone to fall back on negative thoughts in the face of stress, pressure or fear? And what is it that’s holding you back? Uncover that, and switch it to a positive enabling statement. “I can’t possibly learn a new specilaity” becomes, “Once I have completed a course on data protection, I will…...”.
Remove toxic elements that hold you back
Why do we tolerate what harms us? Why do we spend time protecting the very things that cause us discomfort, suffering or pain? Like toxic behaviour, narcissistic bosses, punishing lifestyles? If you want to make a change, start by taking steps to remove toxic elements from your life and replace them with the right people and the right habits that enable you to shine bright every day.
Formulate your vision and success criteria
How do we know what to change if we don’t know where we’re going? Formulating a stated purpose and vision for yourself is the first step to take in changing your course. You can ask: “Where do I feel my highest good?” or “What work allows me to operate at my highest point of contribution?”. Be specific about what you want and know that asking for it is the first step towards making it happen.
Have a plan broken down into steps
The toughest aspect of embracing change is observing the vast stretch of uncertainty that lies ahead. So, break it down. Rather than obsess about the enormity of the whole, focus on 3 or 4 steps at a time that you can meaningfully fulfil that propel you forward in the direction you wish to go. And build momentum as you glide.
Adopt a mindset of growth and experimentation
It’s common for successful leaders to sit in fixed mindset. Why change anything when they are doing so well the way they are? Well, that depends on your definition of fulfilment. If fulfilment for you is status quo and surrendering to the law of diminishing marginal utility; no need to do anything. But if fulfilment for you is aligning your life to conscious living and having meaningful impact, find ways to discover, experiment and play.
Seek out help and support
Do you suffer in silence? Become increasingly introspective regarding perceived misalignment between your career aspirations and reality? You don’t always need to take the hard path, you know. You can reach out to others – mentors, sponsors, coaches – who offer you alternative perspectives and guidance. Who can empathise with your situation and help you navigate the path ahead. It’s never weak to ask; it’s brave to seek.
The tell tale sign of being stuck in fixed mindset is someone who says “This is who I am, there’s little I can do to change.”. Your personality may be fixed, but your ability to learn and grow will always change. And it’s the choices you make about who you surround yourself with, what learning and development you invest in and what growth you are open to, that will determine your ultimate levels of fulfilment in what you achieve.