Part 2: The emergence of the conscious leader


It’s tough being a law firm partner these days. Technological advancement is outpacing our agility to adapt, generational shifts in the workplace are challenging conventional organizational culture and emerging attitudes about corporate responsibilities are putting pressure on traditional authoritative and hierarchal leadership. In this article, I highlight the changes in approach required by lawyers who are under increasing pressure to lead long-term business success over individual practice goals.

 It is John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market[1], who coined the phrase conscious leadership to the journey of stepping up to a higher level of integrity and responsibility as a leader.  He identifies nine distinguishing characteristics and behaviours that unite those striving to be more conscious leaders.

 In a nutshell, this is what he says:

 (1)   Vision & Virtue

Put purpose first: Be guided not only by profit but by a vision for the value you can contribute to the world.

Lead with love: Treat business not as cut-throat competition but as an opportunity to serve and uplift people and communities.

Always act with integrity: Hold yourself to the highest standards of behaviour to earn the trust of those you lead and those you serve.

 (2)   Mindset & Strategy

Find win-win-win solutions: Find solutions that serve not only your shareholders but your whole arena of stakeholders.

Innovate and create value: Build cultures that nurture and liberate the creative spirit.

Think long term: Focus on lasting impact and consequences of actions and choices.

 (3)   People & Culture

Constantly evolve the team: Promote and retain based on character, emotional intelligence and cultural fit.

Regularly revitalize: Prioritise your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy.

Continually learn and grow: Commit yourself to a lifetime of learning, both personally and professionally.

 “When leaders become more conscious, the organisations they lead become more conscious, creating an ever-widening circle of purpose-driven cultures and communities.”
John Mackey, Steve McIntosh and Carter Phipps, Conscious Leadership

It takes courage to be a conscious leader in the legal sector because it requires us to swim against the tide of conventional wisdom that tells us to focus primarily on short-term goals and objectives, financial targets and delivering quality work.  Only when we take deliberate steps to shift our focus from receiving recognition and rewards for our own individual success to contributing and servicing a full arena of stakeholders – clients, teams and the wider community – do we move into a place of achievement and fulfilment.

 It takes a strategic mindset shift at executive level to take this forward. We need to see changes in the measures of success (meaningful KPIs, goals and objectives) of our senior leaders and associated reward for efforts and behaviour that align with conscious leadership. Put simply; when making profit distribution, bonus and promotion decisions, rewards must be aligned with contribution to long term sustainable impact as much as achievement of this year’s financial targets. Only then will we see lasting cultural change.
[1] John Mackey, Steve McIntosh, Carter Phipps, authors of Conscious Leadership: Elevating Humanity Through Business.


Part 1: The case for conscious leadership


Part 3: Conscious steps every leader can take